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  • #2113
    Support Expired

    Hi Billy! How are you?

    Billy, when I bought the theme, it came with the PRO element. I was updating the plugin in test environment and it was considered unauthorized. Will I be able to keep this plugin up to date?

    Another question: where do I put the theme key? Do I need to register somewhere?

    And this error is appearing. How can I solve?


    Hi you,

    #1. We use the Elementor Pro developer plugin, it is included but does not include the license key. This version will be limited to some functions such as updating directly from the provider or accessing the template repository from Elementor.

    – Regarding plugin updates: you can download the latest Elementor Pro plugin at, delete the old plugin and reinstall it .

    #2. Theme key is used to activate your account on our support page

    #3. This is just an update notice, it’s not too serious, we will update the version to solve this problem soon.

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