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  • #1374
    Support Expired


    I would like to edit the handheld menu but can’t find anything mentioned in the docs or here.
    Also would like to add the Brand name above the product name in shop/category view
    and increase the size of the brand name above the Product title in product page view


    Hi there,

    #1. Do you want to edit this menu:

    We use code to show this menu, so that to edit menu, you need to override code and edit. Let me know what do you want to edit, I will check and help you.

    #2,3: Do you use Perfect Brands for WooCommerce plugin?

    Our theme don’t support this plugin, but I will check and help you, please check and send Admin web account for me ( I can’t login your admin )

    Support Expired

    Marked reply as private, not showing up for me, can you confirm you got it ?

    Support Expired
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi again,

    I have just resolved this issue for you, please recheck and let me know if you need to help.

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