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Support Forum Forums Mixxcazt – Creative Multipurpose WooCommerce Theme can’t found all widgets for home25

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  • #1686
    Support Expired

    – I can’t found all widgets for the theme “home25”, and the full-width option doesn’t take a full-width screen?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Billy Nguyen.

    Please set full admin web account for me, I can’t check your site:

    Support Expired

    Check Again


    Hi again,

    #1. I installed demo home page for you

    #2. Please don’t set Edit with Elementor for single product, all product can’t load style default.

    Please click edit product -> Back to WordPress edit -> Save product:

    Support Expired

    hi again,
    1#: could you help me to return the based view for widgets?
    as in the above capture, the new update doesn’t work.

    2#: “Add to cart” button not working on all pages.

    3#: I can’t customise colour in checkout, billing page,
    ( wishlist page),
    ( orders page).

    Thanks in advance,


    I can’t login your site, please recheck:

    Support Expired
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi again,

    I can’t connect to your site, please go to file functions.php ( child-theme) and add this code:

    add_filter( 'gutenberg_use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );
    add_filter( 'use_widgets_block_editor', '__return_false' );
    Support Expired

    hi again , i add it but its not work ?!!


    I instruct you to add the code to the functions.php file but you added it to the style.css file???

    Support Expired

    Hi Again,
    You’re right, sorry for my poor focus.
    And thanks for alerting me.

    What about POINTS 2# & 3#?

    Support Expired

    Hi Again,
    You’re right, sorry for my poor focus.
    And thanks for alerting me.

    What about :
    2#: “Add to cart” button not working on all pages.

    3#: I can’t customise colour in checkout, billing page,
    ( wishlist page),
    ( orders page).

    Support Expired

    hi dear,
    Are you will help with the above points or that is not available?


    Sorry for late response.

    #2. I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    – Issue: I fixed this issue.

    – Issue: I don’t find this issue, please send this link for me.

    Support Expired

    Hi Dear,

    thanks for solve the #2 issue

    and about the #3 issue, I wish if you could tell me how can I change it?
    before I change it by code but u told avoid using customize CSS!
    so if u could tell me another way to solve it? if u couldn’t, No issues, just follow these links to know what I need

    Thanks in advance,

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