I have a few questions,
1. How can I change the default colors of the theme and other elements?
2. Can I add custom fonts?
Issues –
1. Indian currency symbol is not properly visible (check the screenshot – https://prnt.sc/21cqr43)
2. On the icons page (https://www.martha.co.in/icons/) icons are not visible, and sitewide some icons are not visible (on the homepage, play icon is broken) screenshots – https://prnt.sc/21cr003, https://prnt.sc/21crltv
3. How do I remove the title on the page. (screenshot – https://prnt.sc/21crwqg)
P.S. Website is under maintenance mode, and you can log in to wp-admin by visiting the following link –
This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Billy Nguyen.
This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Billy Nguyen.