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Topic Resolution: Resolved
Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Author
  • #1171
    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    “woncep-icon-1.1.0.woff2” this icon font is missing.
    icon font missing


    I fixed it, but please delete all cache on your site when you check.

    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    From Demo

    Still Arrow icon not showing as like demo


    Hi again,

    I fixed it for you, please recheck

    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    Thanks. It works fine. I’m facing another problem.Blog Standard page not showing on Blog page
    Blog page issue


    Ok, I have just resolved this issue for you, please recheck.

    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    Thank you so much

    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    How to add Related Products list on Carousel slider? Related Products Carousel

    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    Please Help


    Hi again,

    I have just resolved this issue for you, please recheck and let me know if you need to help:

    Don’t forget vote 5 stars for our team on

    Many thanks!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Billy Nguyen.
    [email protected]
    Support Expired


    [email protected]
    Support Expired

    Please remove three dots from woocommerce related product title
    woocommerce releted product


    Yes, I fixed this issue for you, please recheck.

    Don’t forget vote 5 stars for our team.


Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

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