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Support Forum Forums Woncep – Fashion Style WooCommerce Theme Menu not visible on my website


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  • #3357
    Support Expired

    After installing the theme and child theme, I could not find the main menu showing up on my website. I’ve been to the Appearance > Menu settings to check and also tried customizing the theme to get the menu to show up but nothing works.

    How do I get it to work?

    Support Expired

    I just uninstalled my WordPress installation and started the process afresh and now the theme is not importing correctly.



    I have just resolved this issue, please recheck your site.

    Support Expired

    What was the problem so that I can avoid those problems in the future?


    The import process may have had a data menu error, then you will have to update this menu again.

    Please go to Appearance -> Menu -> Select your menu -> Add 1 item menu -> Save

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