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Support Forum Forums Woncep – Fashion Style WooCommerce Theme Problem with shop page when enabling variation swatches plugin

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #3563
    Support Expired

    As the title says, when i enable the plugin for the filters, i get a critical error on archive/shop page. What should i do?

    Support Expired

    i installed older version of variation swatches and it did work. Still, Whats the fix so i can update it?

    Also please answer me following:
    – how can i disable tooltip appear on wishlist/compare button
    – why input on a single product page of quantity is hidden.

    Support Expired

    Also there is a bug on single product Gallery style vertical, if i activate it it shows only one photo and the arrows of the next…if i activate horizontal it shows properly the arrows after the 4 images..(if there are 5 etc..)



    #1. critical error on archive/shop page: I fixed this issue, please recheck.

    #2. I resolved this issue.

    #3. You are on quantity=1 so you can’t choose more:

    Support Expired

    Thanks for everything.

    About issue 2, is there a way that the text is not readable at all by the browser?
    I want to be compliant with WCAG Guidelines and it the text gives me contrast error.

    It may be gone, but browser still reads it.

    Same goes for compare etc.



    Do you want to delete this text?

    Support Expired

    Yes please, but not on the signle product after the cart button. There its ok.

    Support Expired

    Also, i have added a filter brand that should be displayed on category page left sidebar.
    Even if i add a brand on products the filter does not display.
    This bug is not on all categories

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by appdate.


    #1. I removed all text, please recheck.

    #2. The brand filter is still showing on the category page, please check again:

    Support Expired

    There maybe is a delay. Thanks for all the support. Marked topic as resolved.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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